Pauline Niemann-Tuerck | APRN, CRNA | PineyWoods Aesthetics in Bastrop, TX

Why Am I Giving Away A $604.00 Laser Treatment & Consultation?

Giving Away, Free?….Yes!

I’m doing this for two reasons…

First, It’s the perfect treatment to deliver instant improvement by removing dead skin cells that have built up on the surface. It improves skin tone and texture, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, enhances firmness and elasticity and leaves your skin feeling refreshed and glowing.

Second, I wanted to introduce you to our REGEN Family of Memberships,  one of our most exciting programs! One that has proven to be a game changer for many aesthetic clients and this is a great way to introduce them to you!

But first let me explain…

My name is Pauline Niemann-Tuerck Owner of Piney Woods Aesthetics in Bastrop Texas. For years I have been involved in women’s healthcare as a CRNA, and like many, I also sought out the best aesthetic treatments for my own personal goals of achieving a younger me. After years of treatments as well as years of training, I wanted to establish a MedSpa  that could help more people discover what I had found, and that is… when given the proper treatments the body can heal itself. That is to say, the proper treatments can alter how our genes express themselves. In doing so they can, in effect, be reset to behave as they did when they were younger. So today, while my practice does offer  conventional aesthetic treatments, our focus, indeed our foundational belief, is based on treatments which encourage this regenerative effect.

Over the years I have personally used just about every technique in the industry from vampire facials to RF Microneedling, PRP therapies, peels, anti wrinkle injections, dermal fillers…. You name it and chances are I have tried it and have discovered what really works to help my patients look good and feel great about themselves without looking fake or plastic, without wasting money or having excessive downtimes.

I’ve been building up to this moment for years…

I’ve invested huge amounts of time, money and resources. Attended trainings and conferences all over the country, all to discover what really works to make my patients happy, without them having to spend a fortune. 

There are literally hundreds of skin treatments, creams and potions on the market and many of them are effective, however many are not.

There is however, ONE treatment that stands out, head and shoulders above all the rest and that is IPL or, Intense Pulsed Light Therapy.

Here’s Why…

IPL does 2 amazing things…

First, it takes skin that looks aged because of red and brown discoloration and makes it look clear and younger, in a relatively short time.  This can happen in just a few days or weeks for many, or a few months in others, depending on individual factors such as age and previous skin care efforts. This alone is an amazing benefit…

But There’s Something More Exciting and Invisible That’s Going On…

That is not immediately apparent and unfolds over long term use… 

This is IPL’s second miraculous ability, to reverse the skin aging process on a molecular level. 

This anti-aging effect is remarkable and happens on a microscopic level where the genetic expression of your skin cells are gently transformed.  Virtually “turning back the clock”.

Dormant genes that have been turned off for years by the aging process are transformed to a younger productive state by the IPL light waves. 

I Am Not Just Making This Up!

There is scientific proof that this is happening.  

Numerous medical studies, Stanfords being the most noted,  have revealed that IPL can actually reset the genes that have been turned off by the aging process.  The overall effect of this is to bring the cells back to a younger version of themselves through genetic expression.  Best of all, it does this for almost everyone, with minimal downtime or risk. I’ve included pictures at the bottom of this article.

My Big Problem

I want more people to experience this amazing treatment and get the amazing twin benefits of IPL. 

Many patients have experienced these 2 amazing effects,  but sadly, many more COULD benefit from it… IF THEY ONLY KNEW ABOUT IT.

Many more people could look and feel better about their appearance,  without unnecessary risk or huge expense, if they only knew it existed. Many that know me know that I have built my practice utilizing an Education First Approach… thus all the explanations of the science behind this process. 

Which Brings Me Back To My Reason For Writing This Letter

I have a new program that’s focused on regular treatment with IPL. We call our program REGEN for the regenerative properties it brings about.

I’m absolutely convinced that this is the foundational skin treatment that all other aesthetic treatments should be built upon.  because it actually amplifies everything we do in skin care. I’ve been so impressed with it that I want more people to experience its amazing regenerative properties.

We call it, The  REGEN Membership Program” and Here’s How It Works:

For a very affordable monthly payment, members of the program get one IPL treatment performed every 3 months.  

This interval is perfect because it keeps the skin’s color even and controlled and is ideal to activate IPL’s anti-aging effect on the genetic material in your skin cells and aids in producing more Collagen, Elastin and Fibrogen.

But, There Is One More Treatment that I want to introduce you to…  

We call it our Laser Glow Facial. Here are just a few of the many benefits this treatment offers; Improved skin tone and texture, Reduced fine lines and wrinkles, Minimizes pore Size, Enhanced firmness and elasticity, Acne skin scar reduction, Stimulates collagen, elastin and fibrogen production! And, It Enhances the effects of the IPL Treatments!

Normally this treatment  and Consultation costs $604.00… but I want to give it to you at no charge if you just try out one of our REGEN Memberships! 


You’ll Also Receive 2 Observ520X Facial Analysis per year!

To Summarize, Here’s My Risk Free Offer To You:

Join our base REGEN Simply IPL Membership Program today for $134.00 per month.  When you join, we’ll immediately schedule a 1 hour appointment for you.  

During your 1  hour visit we’ll do 2 things: 

We’ll do an in depth skin analysis utilizing our awesome Observ 520 Skin Analysis System. We need to precisely record exactly where you are right now so we can document and measure your progress as well as identifying other areas you may want to address. We are waiving the normal $75.00 Consultation Fee for you as well!

Immediately after your skin analysis you’ll have your Laser Glow Facial utilizing our state of the art Fractal Erbium Laser.  We can instantly see how your skin responds and then schedule your first  REGEN IPL Treatment

In addition to the $604.00 free Laser Glow Facial and free Consultation…

You’ll receive; four IPL treatments per year and two Skin Analysis using our Incredible Observ520X System

You’ll also receive 15% off  products and services for any other service we offer, such as our amazing Medical Grade Skin Care Line or any other treatments our analysis shows you may benefit from. 

With our PineyWoods App you’ll be enrolled in our Reward Points program offering further  savings on future purchases and packages.

Exclusive 1st Invites to Special Events and Giveaways!

You’ll continue to get these discounts for as long as you’re a member!

 Non Members would pay  over $2,600.00 for this package. As a member you get all of this for $134.00 per month for a savings of $996.00!

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to achieve the Younger You that you’ve dreamed of…

 Only 20 Spots Available!

This incredible new offer is going out to my entire database of patients as well as my Social Media Pages.

Due to the significant time required for each new person who joins our program we have room for just 20 new members this month

Once we get past this number of members you can still join, but may have to wait for the next available appointment.

Quick Summary Of The Younger You Program:

  • Join the Younger You REGEN Simply IPL Membership Program.  Each month you will be billed $134.00. 

  • Four IPL Treatments (One every 3 months!)

  • Two Observ Skin Analysis Sessions! 

  • Free Consultation! (A $75.00 Value!)

  • Get your Free Introductory Laser Glow Facial! (A $529.00 Value!)

  • Enjoy 15 % off all other products and services for as long as you’re a member.

  • Exclusive first invites to Special Events and Giveaway Drawings!

  • Our free App featuring our Rewards Program.

  • Quit any time, there is no obligation ever to continue. However, you’ll find as many others have that you will not want to leave this program! Why? Because it works! The Younger You is there waiting to be re-discovered and we know you will be amazed at the results of this program over time!


This Is Risk Free!

If you decide after your introductory Micro Laser Peel and Observ 520 skin analysis that you do not want to continue with the program,  just let us know. 

You will not be billed any more and can use the $134.00 towards any other product or service at PineyWoods Aesthetics!  We are taking all the risk! We do this because we know that, like everyone else, you will be blown away with the results and will continue the program!

At a minimum, your skin will glow from the Laser Glow Facial treatment,  you’ll have a clear understanding of your skin from the Observ 520 Skin analysis.  You can use the $134.00 credit to pay for something from our Medical Grade Skin Care Line or apply it towards another service.  You simply cannot lose!

Join Today, This Program Will Fill Up Fast!  For a video explaining  REGEN further Click the button below! Then complete the form below to begin your Journey Towards The Younger You!

Before and After Photos

Fill out The Contact Form below and we will get in touch with you to schedule your No Cost Consultation and Observe 5120X Skin Analysis!

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